No one else has ever shown me how to see the world the way I see it now


1 1/2 c. vanilla yogurt
3/4 c. orange juice

I actually created these on a whim after reading a few smoothie and popsicle recipes and trying to get an idea of what sort of ingredients are used to help create the “creamsicle” flavor.

While I was mixing the yogurt and OJ, I noticed that it really smelled like creamsicle/cream soda, so I was optimistic for the results.

They came out tasting pretty close to actual creamsicles, and even my husband (who isn’t fond of yogurt) thought they were pretty good, with just one simple request to add some vanilla extract next time. I’ll be doing that.  Goober ate about 1/3 of one. Given that he’s never had a popsicle and he’s not a yogurt fan, I call that a win.

The only thing I want to try to fix is that some mild separation occurred during freezing, with the top of the popsicles being creamier, and it got progressively more ice-shard-like as you got to the bottom. Still a yummy treat (will be fantastic in summer!), but if anyone has tips on how to avoid the separation, I’d love them! My husband’s offered solution is liquid nitrogen. Not very realistic!

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